Quote from Charles Kaisel Bliss

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The Symbol for Creation

This symbol is wholely arbitrary, and we may say, that man shall ever use only an arbitrary symbol for this meaning. He can grasp this universe with his mind, and the limitations of his mind will limit his grasp of this meaning. He has given a variety of symbols to this meaning. They are alphabetical symbol combinations. In the English Language they are; Universe, Nature, Creation, Creator, God, and many others. For our geometrical writing we shall take a symbol which has been displayed on churches and temples for thousands of years.

Nature, Creation

We can vary this symbol, making it smaller, to indicate a smaller meaning, doubly heighten it to indicate a heightened meaning, and so forth. Here are some examples:

Creation          man made          Supernatural

We may refer to the wisdom of the Chinese,
who say of a man who is rich, contented, satisfied with life;
"His rice bowl is full".
In their ideographic writing, the bowl is no longer discernable, but we can depict it easily.
"Rich in the Spiritual Sense"
is a state of the "Mind" when you think that your
"Bowl" of life is "Full".
Mind          Bowl          Full
